Pet owners wishing to travel abroad with their pets will need to follow new guidelines from January 2021.
There is only one new requirement for EU travel and that is the issue of an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) rather than using a pet passport.
Here is a summary of the requirements for travel with dogs, cats and ferrets to the EU for the first time after 1st January 2021:
- Your dog, cat or ferret must be microchipped.
- Your dog, cat or ferret must be vaccinated against rabies.
- You must allow 21 days after vaccination before travelling (day 22 is first suitable day of travel)
- Visit the vets to be issued with your Animal Health Certificate (AHC), no more than 10 days before travel. The AHC is valid for onward or return travel for 4 months. A new trip (within or after the 4 months) requires a new AHC.
- For entry into certain countries, your dog may require treatment against tapeworm. Please check before booking travel. The tapeworm treatment must be administered 24-120 hours before landing and recorded on your AHC. It is your responsibility as the owner to check the entry requirements for country you are travelling to.
For further info and for updates, please visit the Gov website
If you are planning a trip with your pet, please do call to arrange at Market Weighton Hospital 01430 873219